"Full preview for 13.23!

Our focus is on stabilizing the game for end of season climbs.

Ori/Syndra: While these Champs are undoubtedly strong for Elite players, some champ has to be the strongest. In regular play, these Champs are pretty balanced, so we’re leaving them as is, rather than putting them back in a pro jail. They’ll be a bit strong in elite for the last few patches of the year.

Janna: We previously reverted a w cooldown buff last second in Dev, so we’re restoring it here and adding a bit more punch to her harass. Overall, she’s directionally looking better in her more interactive shape and will hopefully be in a better spot once she has the power to back that up.

Riven: Buffs to improve her general power level, without committing her long term shape one way or the other (since she’s very dependent on items, we’re waiting to see how the item update affects her). This change is more oriented in buffing her spells.

Trundle: Trundle has been weak for a while, this buff looks to increase Sheen synergies and make trading and pushing out waves in top lane less of a strain on his resources.

Azir: Not mentioned here are the on hit changes to Azir. Check @MadnessHeroo Twitter for details

Velkoz: he’s struggling in mid and supp, giving him a buff to P that rewards his core gameplay loop.

Briar: a nerf to her early fighting power, as well as a slight nerf to her scaling. We’re really happy with how she’s turned out and are just continuing to make sure her power level is adjusted as players continue to get better on her.

K’Sante: Changes here are focused around reducing his ability to fight early levels with q mana cost changes, moderate nerfs to his level 6 spike. Long term, we intend for ksante to have weaknesses against duelists (camille, fiora, Jax, Gwen, etc.) where he loses in both fighter and tank form. His strong level 6 was giving him too much leeway in these matchups, but his shape overall is looking promising. Through these q nerfs, we’re trying to make his tank form have a bit less damage, so he is not as threatening all the time and has more windows to play against.

Naafiri: While we intend for naafiri to be a champion that’s great for regular play, she’s getting a bit too much throughput from her packmates (average players are less likely to play expertly around them when playing against her). We’re reducing their strength here slightly to increase the relative importance of hitting Q to have success. Jarvan: As mentioned yesterday, he’s still too strong and been so for a while. With his Shojin builds, his Q is coming up a bit too often, which makes his windows of counterplay a bit too low. We’re pulling back on some of this slightly.

Ziggs: Our nerfs last patch didn’t go far enough. They were intended to reduce the power of bot more than mid and while directionally accurate, the nerfs need more oomph behind them.

Turret Gold: as mentioned yesterday, snowballing is in the lowest spot it’s been for many years. We want to add Snowball back, but in ways that set up the game for the long term. We think split pushing as a strategy is still weak relative to dragon stacking and are adding some more incentives to play intelligently on side. Adding gold back to these side lane objectives hopes to make this strategy more viable, even if top and mid are feeling a little strong right now." https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1719502075439309152

>>> Champion Buffs <<<


  • R now returns to Draven if he’s dead


  • P damage: from MS: 20/25/30/25% >>> 30%
  • W Coolwdown: 9-7 >>> 8-6
  • R Cooldown: 150-120 >>> 130-100


  • Q damage: 15-95 + 45-65% AD >> 15-95 50-70% AD
  • R Bonus AD: 20% >>> 25%


  • AD growth: 3 >>> 4
  • Q mana: 30 >>> 20


  • P damage: 33-169 + 50% AP >>> 35-180 + 60% AP

>>> Champion Nerfs <<<

>>> System Adjustments <<<

  • PorkyMan12B
    10 months ago

    So they are literally letting Oriana and Syndra in S+ tier for yet another patch as if she hasn’t been giga strong in the past 3 months.

    That just sums it up for League balance team. You can tell how good they are at their jobs from that alone.

  • VulsynxB
    10 months ago

    No armour pen for Riven at least until season 14.

  • wkurwionyczlowiekB
    10 months ago

    i F****** hate that riot games balances around noobs.

    some champ has to be the strongest. In regular play, these Champs are pretty balanced

    bullshit translator: when a noob plays them they look balanced, so no nerfs
    briar bullshit translator: noobs don’t know how to play vs her so nerfs
    Naafiri bullshit translator: see briar
    what a joke

  • BoudynasrB
    10 months ago

    The Azir Changes are a nerf masked as a “player satisfaction update”

    nerfed until 120 AP and his build diversity has been killed as he is now married to Nashor’s tooth

    being married to Nashors isnt gonna push him out of pro play because 90% of Azirs in Worlds got Nashors but can understand why they nerf him given that he has been a staple in pro play meta since Summer

  • KordbenB
    10 months ago

    One of the most lackluster patch ever.

    • Velkoz does not need buffs let alone this shit one. He needs rework
    • Ping changes where?
    • Split push is not weak lmao and majority of palyerbase hates because its not balanced at all.
  • Yordle_CommanderB
    10 months ago

    “Briar: a nerf to her early fighting power, as well as a slight nerf to her scaling.”

    30% less Bonus AD on W isn’t a slight nerf. It’s fucking massive.

    Briar has built in counterplay to her kit, she’s one of the champions that is balanced at the 52-54% mark, similar to Rammus.

    If her winrate drops to 50% across the board she’s going to be dogshit.

  • International_Bag921B
    10 months ago

    The real reason why they buff vel dmg over his e revamp is because they dont need to write new code, instead just plug numbers in his existing code. God forbid they draft a programmer from new champ department over the interns on balance team.