Seeing the new augment on arena that turns you into melee but increasing some of your stats i wondered which ad champ could be broken or at least op. I can only think in Urgot.
Edit: here’s the augment.
Draw Your Sword
“You are now melee. Gain 35% Attack Damage, 35% Health, 25% Attack Speed, 25% Lifesteal, and 25% Move Speed (stats scale further with Attack Range).”
Caitlin passive and abilities still keep range if you mean for that augment specifically
Teemo becomes a monster when he pops out of stealth and is on you.
Kog’maw or Ashe time
Vladimir could become even better if he was melee, assuming his spells still mantained the same range. He would actually be able to use Conqueror, which would help possible AP bruiser builds.
If you thought OnHit Kindred was bad, you should realize that her items only give her 70% Effectiveness. Now imagine 100% Effectiveness on things like Trinity Force or Black Cleaver
Tristana and senna might be sleeper op if they get that augment. Hob tristana blowing up a bomb one shotting you with insane stats scaling with her range? And you have senna with infinite scaling and lifesteal. With the additional lifesteal from the augment she would essentially become a warwick
Tank Karma. Draven actually using axes as they are intended. Maybe nidalee or jayce if they get the bonus still in melee form.