I don’t even get excited about Sunday’s anymore. Used to have more fun playing fantasy football because at least I could players score but I don’t even do that anymore. I’ll never not be a fan of the jets but man do I wish I could root for another team. I’m loyal it’ll never happen, sad times

  • illmatic74B
    10 months ago

    I reached this point several years ago. I used to be absolutely obsessed with football now I barely give a shit this was the first year I even watched some games in like 3 years.

  • WMDisruptB
    10 months ago

    man this really feels like rock bottom doesn’t it? Think of how we all felt on 9/11/23 right before kickoff…

  • TigerAgreeable6809B
    10 months ago

    So here’ a story

    Im not from US but i fucking love NYC

    When i was young i was watching Adam Sandler’s Big Daddy movie and when i saw the green jersey that image stuck on me

    First time in NY on winter i buy a Jets beanie cause i found it cool, i didnt even watch NFL back then. A few moments later a dude BOOOOED me because of the beanie out of nowhere in the streets. I was like WTF just happened here?

    I never had a happy moment with the Jets other than when they signed Aaron Rodgers. I still love the team cause he brings me childhood memories and nothing represents my NYC better than that old green jersey, but i wanna enjoy the NFL and maybe root for some underdogs who can get somewhere, like the Lions. I wanna have a chance to know what winning its like.

    Dont turn your passion into something bad. Im sure you had a few good memories with the Jets, even off field.

  • Ok_Yogurtcloset_9793B
    10 months ago

    I’ve never had less hope for this franchise in nearly 40 years as a fan. I know ownership and management don’t really care what we think but I’m not exaggerating when I say that. This team has sucked the joy out of the NFL season for us. A few of the lowlights:

    -Went into the season with Duane Brown, a 38 year old coming off major surgery, as starting LT. This cost you the season 4 plays in. -Didn’t upgrade skilled positions -Allowed Rodgers unprecedented control over free agent moves, all of whom are terrible -Brought in the worst OC in the NFL because he’s Rodgers pal -went into season with Z Wilson as primary backup for 40 year old QB and then made no effort to upgrade after Wilson went down -was down on Saleh after team finished with 6 straight loses last year. I mean how many NFL coaches survive that?

    I was skeptical about the whole Rodgers thing from day one but of course was hoping it would work out. Obviously it has not. The team is undisciplined and unprepared week after week. This is as bad as it gets.

  • kmt75B
    10 months ago

    This is me since like 1993. Was suckered back in once or twice for a half year. They’re a garbage franchise and basically always have been and there’s no reason to think it will ever change. They don’t even find interesting ways to lose. Bad is bad, but bad AND boring? They’re the Mets or the Nets, but without all the “success.”

    Grownups don’t switch teams, so basically I just stopped watching football.

  • Wildwilly54B
    10 months ago

    I haven’t even watched the last 2 games. Sadly I got cousins coming over from Ireland this weekend so I gotta go to the falcons game.

  • WalternotwalterB
    10 months ago

    If you wanna root for what the Jets should have been, root for either Minnesota or Cleveland.

    Minnesota replaced an MVP candidate and came back from the dead.

    The Browns are what the Jets would have been if their line wasn’t complete trash. And they lost their RB.

    Now for the obligatory:

    This is what you signed up for. This is one of the worst professional sports franchises there have been since 1969. Nearly 6 decades now. They don’t have their own stadium. The guy who profits on them is a spoiled rich kid who failed the only foray he ever made into business eventually settling for tax evasion and paying off the SEC. He is a loser.

    Granted, there were a few moments: Parcells actually set this thing up to work for a sustained period even with Vinny’s achilles in 1999. But the rumors back when he left had to do with Johnson, and ultimately Belichick left on a napkin, even with a good roster and a very solid young QB (probably the best Jets drafted QB since O’Brien). Rex had his 2 year run. Tannebaum and he fucked that right the hell up.

    From 1992 up to Parcells was awful. And to be honest, even during O’Brien it was mostly bad. Buffalo owned the AFC and the Niners and Cowboys were taking turns winning Super Bowls.

    Since 2010 up through now has been brutal.

    So this is what you signed up for. Some of you are young enough that even your parents weren’t born when Namath beat Unitas. This is what it is. It’s better to expect this shit and be surprised than expect anything else.

    • Marauderr4B
      10 months ago

      It’s reassuring (in its own fucked up way) that older fans are confirming this is the worst jets offense ever. I don’t want to say that since I wasn’t around for as long. But this really is a historicallly bad offense.

  • 09-24-11B
    10 months ago

    Just being honest but you’re doing this dooming to yourself. I watch the Jets every Sunday like it’s church.

    But I also watch the other game slates. I play fantasy, I gamble, I have favorite players on other teams.

    You are letting the Jets ruin football for yourself. There is plenty to watch and enjoy in the league.

  • FjordiceB
    10 months ago

    Take a break. Keep them at a distance. If you don’t like it, stop watching. I didn’t watch any of the last 6 or 7 games last season and I stopped watching last week this season. It’s not worth it for me. Much rather spend that time with the family or getting chores done.

  • TrickMichaelsB
    10 months ago

    Todays installment of “Jets Fandom or Clinical Depression?”

    It’s my least favorite game but I’ll keep playing every week.