Just want to point this out because the wind blowing on the narratives is getting a little out of control.

  1. “Knight is bad at international tournaments.”: just looking at this year in totality, and worlds 2022, this is not even remotely true. People keep forcing this Chovy narrative, but Knight played fucking insane really all of this worlds, the only games I thought he was playing poor was game 2 and 4. He consistently was winning JDG team fights they probably should not have won. I’ve seen literally dozens of people say he got gapped by Bdd, which makes no sense to me because it was Knight’s Neeko doing 4 man ults and tping into good positions. He played really well this year in totality, and he’s literally ONLY gotten better year after year.

  2. “JDG are the most overrated team of all time.”: Going into the tournament they absolutely looked like the best team. But as the meta shaked out in the tournament carry tops became more and more important, and ADC became focused around either supportive ADCs, or cheese lanes to shutdown Kalista, very obviously not to JDGs strengths that have made them so dominant at MSI. They found some answers, but this really speaks to why MSI and Worlds are so drastically different, the meta changes this year were hilariously disposed, I might want to say since Juggernaut worlds. The way professional was played the first half the year vs the last half was just not in the same stratosphere. Anyone who watched LPL could tell you that JDG going into this tournament didn’t look unbeatable, they’re were literally brought to the fucking BRINK by LNG. It was an incredibly close LPL playoffs.

  • ParagadeShepardB
    10 months ago

    I don’t know, according to the devs, losing a series shows that a player clearly isn’t deserving to rise up in ranked, so their own design philosophy for a decade says it is the case.

    Maybe they should change up how tournaments work

  • ParadoxIronyB
    10 months ago

    Meh, that’s how it always goes. If Weibo Smurfs out of their mind T1 will be called a finals choker again and some stupid analyst will say that Zeus is a fraud or something and that Oner inted all game. People can’t accept a team being worse during a series, they can only accept that T1 is bad at finals, no matter how well they play out the finals they’ll be called chokers. If Weibo loses everyone will say they were bad to begin with. There can’t just be a winner on the day.

  • imperialleonB
    10 months ago

    How well a team can adapt to the meta is also a testament to their strength, and lack thereof is also proof of weakness. Obviously JDG aren’t a bad team by any means(at least top 4 at worlds if not higher) but I do feel like their strength has been overplayed throughout the entire year, when they literally have one playstyle: 369 on tanks, ruler on hypercarry and knight contributing via winning lane or making plays.

  • xvblblB
    10 months ago

    I will quote the chinese fans on this one because i think they are right. They are really only calling 369 bad which is pretty much undeniable. They refer to knight as being useless and invisible because he very rarely live up to his reputation and performance in these important elimination games. No one really calls him bad because they know he is capable of winning, but the fact that he cannot stand out like Faker who led the team to victory and got 3 MVPs playing against him pretty much proves his discussion right now.

  • mybigredtruckB
    10 months ago

    of course. Also why double elim is so needed at Worlds!

  • MightySponge123B
    10 months ago

    O my gosh so u mean to tell me NRG heating G2 means that NRG are not actually better than G2?

  • GargamellorB
    10 months ago

    This is the best meta shift for T1 in a while. Keria is unleashed in this botlane meta where we got a shift from engage support to engage jungle and so he can play his whole chanpion pool. Guma isn’t in jinx aphelios meta, but is also really good at Cait, Kalista andn Varus. Faker is in comfort zone with control mage meta. Zeus is finally not picking bait champions like gnar and jayce Jungle didn’t shift very much. Either mao or sej or playmaking carry junglers. But Oner leveled up

  • PorkyMan12B
    10 months ago

    Losing one series doesn’t mean a team is bad ?

    Yeah good luck convincing all the low elo pisslows how Pro works when they can’t even place a ward properly.