"13.23 Preview!

Turret Gold: We’re making some changes to inner and inhibitor tower gold to give a higher share of the gold as local gold. Given snowballing is at one of the lowest levels right now, we think this will help put it in a more correct spot, while favoring roles like top lane that spend more time in the side lanes.

Janna: Our changes last patch were directionally accurate, but she landed a little underpowered

Riven: As we were chatting about yesterday, we think Riven is a bit weak. Buffing her up a little, while keeping the door open for more long term directional work

Trundle: Trundle has been out of the meta for a while. These buffs are targeted at also bringing back trundle top who we think is a counter to tanks that should be viable in some capacity

Velkoz: he’s looking a little weak in both supp and mid, so we’re throwing him a bone

Briar: As briar continues to grow in the learning curve, we’re tapping her down accordingly. Her growth patch over patch is slowing down however.

K’Sante: Ksante is too strong, we’re targeting specifically his level 6 power spike, but we’re happy directionally with how the reshape went, he’s just OP

Naafiri: Naafiri is overpowered, especially in regular play so we’re tapping her down a bit

Nocturne: we’re actually not nerfing nocturne, but nerfing Jarvan instead 😅 he’s been a bit strong for quite a while even with the previous nerf, so we’re nerfing him again" - https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1724281626761515259


#>>> Champion Buffs <<<





#>>> Champion Nerfs <<<






#>>> System Adjustments <<<

##Turret Gold - PBE

  • Mid Inner Turret gold adjusted 300 local + 50 global >>> 425 local + 25 global

  • Bot/Top Inner Turret gold adjusted 550 local + 50 global >>> 675 local + 25 global

  • Inhibitor Turret gold adjusted 50 local + 50 global >>> 375 local + 25 global

  • Zealousideal_Year405B
    10 months ago

    So we gonna accept the Kayn aery bug as a thing now?

    May aswell revert his old First Strike bugged interaction since bugs are called features or versatility now

  • VulsynxB
    10 months ago

    Everyone asked for armour pen last time Riven was buffed 8 months ago, and all we got were placebo buffs. Everyone is still asking for armour pen but I don’t expect anything more than +1ms from Riot

      • VulsynxB
        10 months ago

        If Riven is left as one of the only brusiers in the game with no innate armour pen/true dmg/% health dmg then she has to be balanced around not being able to play the game at all against tanks while running over squishies in lane with no counterplay. If you allow some sort of tank busting into her kit, she can be balanced to be more well rounded.

        The only reason Riven is the way she is currently is because Riven is an archaic champion. There is no way a top laner would be released nowadays with no way to fight against champions which build resistances aka most top laners.

  • DrykkjaaB
    10 months ago

    > Given snowballing is at one of the lowest levels right now, we think this will help put it in a more correct spot, while favoring roles like top lane that spend more time in the side lanes.

    Didn’t they JUST nerf snowballing by nerfing plate gold?

    Who the fuck at riot has the memory of a goldfish bro.

  • VulsynxB
    10 months ago

    If Riven is left as one of the only brusiers in the game with no innate armour pen/true dmg/% health dmg then she has to be balanced around not being able to play the game at all against tanks while running over squishies in lane with no counterplay. If you allow some sort of tank busting into her power budget, she can be balanced to be more well rounded. There’s not much stopping Riven from going mid lane and destroying mages with her buffs if she cannot deal with any bruiser or tank that builds a little bit of armour.

    The only reason Riven is the way she is currently is because Riven is an archaic champion. There is no way a top laner would be released nowadays with no way to fight against champions which build resistances aka most top laners.

  • akbays35B
    10 months ago

    Briar needs a rework, at this point you guys are going to nerf her where she can’t jungle anymore and she can’t lane because of her weird kit. K’sante needs a rework too, you can’t just keep making broken champions, overbuffing them, then nerfing them in a cycle of madness.

  • VulsynxB
    10 months ago

    Thank you u/MazrimReddit for the Riven buffs!

  • FoxGoesBOOMB
    10 months ago

    bad patch, ingame issues about League aren’t adressed at all as per usual by riot.
    Idk what the tower change is supposed to do or change but sure go ahead.
    why is electrocute still not buffed.
    early game it’s literally to hard now to ever kill ur laner or to snowball alone without the help of ur team.
    why is syndra and orianna not getting nerfed.
    Why is dorans shield, second life still a thing. i’m literally witnessing 7hp a second akali at half hp because she goes dorans shield second life, while i have 0.5hp a second, like this is a fcking joke right now right?
    Literally all the actual issues in the game that high Elo players complain daily about, aren’t being adressed at all.
    Riot really becomes more and more the new blizzard, they keep forcing changes nobody asks for, like the ping changes, while they refuse to ever listen to the playerbase.
    they keep saying ksante is balanced when everyone says he isn’t.
    they keep nerfing electrocute, when not even adc mains complained about electrocute
    they keep adding more base defense stats, when nobody ever asked for it.
    What is happening with this company?