He turned down last years job what makes you think he will come to the panthers?
He turned down last years job what makes you think he will come to the panthers?
Commanders fan here, these meddlesome ownders dont change. For 20 years he sucked…and snyders always meddled in the draft. He meddled less as time went on mainly due to lack of money he had in making coaches expendable…however that is not the case with tepper.
This fan base wanted kirk cousins gone and we suffered for nearly a decade. This fanbase doesnt know what it wants….they compare every player to players that played on this team (over hyping them) or comparing them to mahomes (underhyping). Cant we just look at the league as a whole and see that howell is outperforming 50% on the league and give him another chance……
This fan base wanted kirk cousins gone and we suffered for nearly a decade. This fanbase doesnt know what it wants….they compare every player to players that played on this team (over hyping them) or comparing them to mahomes (underhyping). Cant we just look at the league as a whole and see that howell is outperforming 50% on the league definitvely and give him another chance……
As a commanders fan i also feel for your pain with tepper. Meddlesome owners are absolutely the worst and they dont change.
Anything that snyder touches reeks…I gave rivera a chance but nah they can all go.
I agree with this. If tepper isnt dan snyder 2.0 bryce young could take pickett or be 1st for all we know
Clearly you do not watch them play yikes.
Im just disappointed in EB.
Exactly doing it the right way not taking short cuts. This is an organization failure at its root.
Again I feel the same and I will never tell you to be patient. If it makes you feel better JdR is gone so hopefully you can stomach another 5 weeks…i know its an eternity.
I would fire JDR but like i said who do we replace JdR with? Ryan kerrigan? Visselmyer? These guys never called a defense in their life. Thats doing disservice to players and it might actually force players out of this team this offseason.
Never mind jack has been fired per source…
And we had a prolific offense while theyw ere here. Even when mcvay left jay gruden had a top 10 offense. With EB what is our metric? Fact that sam howell leads the league in yards and attempt? Respectfully stop with the redskins ptsd…i understand you. Heck whenever i see vikings and KOC it triggers me…but this is a new regime stop letting old events cloud your judgement. This team, whole staff is not good.
His brother is jon gruden who is blacklisted by NFL and public for being a bigot…it would be a good look by the media to bring him on….
This isnt the same situation with haskins where we didn’t know quite yet he was the guy and wanted continuity with KOC as the OC. Sam Howell on the other end is thriving with a flaw in roster construction and scheme (beyond not running the ball making your rookie QB throw 40-50 attempts week in and week out is ludicrous) and yet sam is thriving. If this is the case I would rather hire another play caller/coach that isnt putting up merely 330 yard per game with 21 points per game….
The fans acts like washington has only let the fans down. There are many fans of the NFL that has been disappointed by this team too. Think about dont you think media analyst and betters that bet this team arent disappointed when this team lays a shit. I mean we have been disappointing for 20 years and im not suprised people pass over us….
If howell beats the 49ers you will get you wish for…then we will lose the next week to the worst team lol…
Wait your watching film and saying cosmi is serviceable. Aint no way you watching…i agree with everything else but to say cosmi has not had a good season is shocking. Clearly we are not watching the same film.