Moira: (spammamble voice line that changed to various Irish drinks)
Moira: (spammamble voice line that changed to various Irish drinks)
Tank is a great role and very fun. It’s the easiest role in the game and every single character is unique and great in their own way. DVA particularly is one of my favourites and Ball if I’m in open queue (I would never inflict solo tank ball on a team lol). I only ever really play it on flex or if I’m getting spanked in dps queue.
It really seems like tank mains are just perpetual whiners forever switching their target of ire to various supports because they don’t understand their role. It is the easiest, least mechanically demanding role in the game. It doesn’t require the awareness and game sense of support, and it doesn’t require the outright skill of dps. It’s literally a role you succeed in by not having an ego. Which is why here on reddit you see the tanks not having fun lashing out blaming everyone else “it’s zen orb it makes it too hard” “it’s ana! I can’t mindlessly walk in while she has cooldown!” so on and so on. It’s cringe, if they hate it so much they should branch out and realize that literally every other role is way more difficult.
The only frustrating thing on tank is that you can end up very reliant on your support and sometimes they just don’t exist, but I think every role has a role they lean on (DPS on tanks to make space, Support on DPS to kill things, Tank on support to stay upright) but it’s also a wildly fun and easy role. You just Rock-Paper-Scissors with the other tank (or not if they pick doomfist) and go in waves of aggression. Two corner at a time rule. Half the time you can even steer the enemy teams choices. I’ve gotten so far by starting every game as reinhardt, because I know as soon as I fuck them up they’ll switch to bastion etc, to which I can use sigma, then forcing them into orisa most of the time, to which I can just orisa also and effectively cancel their counterpicks. That is fun!
People say “oh you can’t get into GM by just counter picking” maybe not, but I certainly couldn’t climb consistently as easily in any other role. Like damn Frog? Mercy? the effort going through those custom games perfecting those role outs and boops was insane! and that was just to claw into high diamond. I have never even encountered a custom for training tank play, I imagine doomfist probably has some sort of parkour but I can’t imagine a rein custom lol.
Also best thing about tank? INSTANT QUEUE TIMES. Also just ignoring the duel when someone has the same pick as you and walking past them killing their team is always hilarious. It’s fun goddamnit, it’s a fun role
They all drink red bull you see
Doomfist (so I don’t get one on my team) urm… I don’t care about the other slots
I’d guess mercy or 76
I’ve played with a lot of cowardly tanks and I think they’ve just had bad supports in the past while they were learning tank and it’s stripped them of courage and now they have 5 gears in reverse
“mind your hypocrisy doctor”
Oh no the Glock mercy
It was Orisa before they changed her TT_TT
Was PC, but I’ve done PS5 as well since
Happened to me yesterday as well! Not happy
I’ve never opened it
Give us Evangelion Mecha’s for all the characters
It’s alright it’s just that the first game was a lot better which makes it difficult to be nice about it
I just spray the pillow under them
Yeah these KSA guys are getting really out of control and honestly if they were being a dick to me but still had hands I could settle but no. They’re bad at the game AND misogynistic. Like FFS pick one