Team is not the greatest, we know
But having to compete against the other team AND all the refs is too much
Team is not the greatest, we know
But having to compete against the other team AND all the refs is too much
Absolutely devastated by these news. Can’t believe it.
These games are too late for me (started 11pm at my local time), I think I’m getting old
That said go Nuggets!!
Any AJR fans? Didn’t expect them on my number 1 artists
Oh fuck you’re gonna make me Nugg
I want to believe
Let’s keep balling, shall we?
Brandon Perna reposted my meme on his twitter. I’m honored
Just don’t go there to troll folks. I had to ban some of our own users yesterday. Look but don’t touch.
Good vibes
Football is fun again, nature is healing
Sean Payton has some flaws but damn it feels good to have an actual coach after all these years
Shoutout to Vance Joseph’s redemption arc too
Double Denver Dub Day
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s with great pleasure that I inform you
The Denver Broncos are above .500
They’re really close to be honest. I’d go with Javonte
Got lunch at a Johnny Rockets today and they forgot the nuggets I ordered
What did they mean by this
Bought a new gaming chair and sneakers today, feeling nice
I appreciate greatness, and CMC is a great player.
Brazil national football team is finished
I guess I can’t be 100% happy with sports
Literally living on a prayer rn
Missed fumble recovery + terrible INT right after
What a disaster