In my head I assume Mercy players are all really nice for the most part, but have a barely hidden thirst for blood that they send us to collect in their name.
Widowmaker players have Ice in their veins, same with tracers
Mei players are either cowards are scarily good strategists. There is no in between.
Genjis are like roaches. There’s always at least one hiding somewhere, and you can’t get rid of them no matter what you do.
Anas I assume are also really nice like mercy players, but are also really sick of dealing with DPS that have self esteem issues. And in my head I occasionally refer to them as mom unintentionally. Like not in a horny way, just like you’d acknowledge and do what they ask out of habit, like if she asked you to take your clothes to the washing machine or something.
I’m somewhat biased admittedly, most supports I have an implicit trust of, assuming they know more about what’s going on and where I’m needed most.
Thank you brother, I raise my hammer to your name!