Ford seemed like they were making competitive products for a while. Now they’ll be relegated to the dustbin of automotive history.
Ford seemed like they were making competitive products for a while. Now they’ll be relegated to the dustbin of automotive history.
Congrats on the 6. Any EV is better than a gasser
Prices may go down or level off in the short term. However as demand drops, there won’t be enough volume to sustain the infrastructure overhead for oil mining and refining. They need a minimum volume to be profitable. As demand continues to drop, some of them will be forced to close down, which reduces supply, which raises prices. Eventually oil will be more of a niche product where specialty suppliers charge high prices.
It’s important if you’re a service tech lugging equipment around. The stations need to be maintained
I heard an NPR report that said CA has 3% BEVs while TX has 2%. Hybrids not included in those figures. Very surprising to see that CA has only 50% more BEVs considering how CA and TX are on the extreme ends of the political spectrum.
Edit: It may have been 2% in Travis county (Austin), which sounds more realistic
“People aren’t buying our overpriced, old tech cars. Blame it on demand!”
This might be their way to prevent scalpers
Every EV owner enjoys the environmental benefits. However the definition of “environment” varies greatly.
Most of the red-leaning folks appreciate that it does’t belch carbon monoxide and the potpourri of pollutants in their garage. Messy oil changes are no longer a hassle for DIYers. For them, the environment is their immediate vicinity.
On the other end of the spectrum, the environmentalist-leaning folks value that it’s helping to slow down the effects of climate change. They environment to them is the broader planetary one.
Tesla had major cash flow struggles early on in its life. Lucid could survive or could go under. They have to stay solvent long enough to become cash flow positive. It’s a much more competitive market than 10 years ago.
How much did they pay you? 😂
Europe has a lot more EV choices which will help adoption rates. The tariffs in the US are hindering competition from the Chinese makes. That protects US brands but hurts consumers.
Continuous incremental improvement is end breakthrough. It allows batteries to benefit from a virtuous cycle of investment and reward. Similar driver of semiconductor chips with Moore’s law. The research from 10-20 years ago makes its way into production year after year.
Energy density needs to double or triple to fully replace gassers. Price is a bigger factor for the lower ends, but they still want more range as long as price is reasonable.
What legacy auto doesn’t realize is they’re digging their own grave. Or if they do realize it, they’re like a drug addict who can’t go sober.
“No one’s buying our overpriced EVs! *sob*” - Mazda
I was at a Mazda dealership ~10 yrs ago and the salesmen were absolute anti-EV, conspiracy-spouting, misinformation filled doofuses. It’s good that they’ll be out of business.