• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023


  • I actually think AG will make a better HC than he does a coordinator. He seems like he is a great motivator that can manage & gameplan on a macro level & develop talent, but when it comes to the play to play X’s & O’s, as well as in-game adjustments on a micro level, he struggles to see beyond the bigger picture & to move off of the things he knows we do best when they are not working. I can honestly see him becoming a very successful HC one day soon, as I think the job better fits his skillset.

  • Not necessarily. Unless he gets an offer with a team that isn’t a total dumpster fire & it includes a significant pay raise (which won’t necessarily be the case, as rumor has it his most recent raise has him making a salary comparable to some of the lower paid HCs across the league), there is a chance he runs it back one more year here. This is especially true if we go deep in the playoffs but don’t win the SB, bc he has been around long enough to realize he may never get a better opportunity to win a SB than he will have here in Detroit next season. While it’s very possible he moves on after this year, I don’t think it is as much of a foregone conclusion as narrative the media seems to want to push in an effort to give them something to write about when they can’t come up with anything more interesting to talk about.

  • BB is a great coach…he just isn’t a good GM anymore. The problem with the current situation is rooted in the fact that he is either too stubborn to realize it or is so used to having total control that he is likely unwilling to accept coaching a team with anybody but himself in charge of evaluating talent and assembling the roster. It’s no different than anybody that is given that much power & control in a job for as long as he has had.

  • dmod420BtoDetroit Lions@nfl.communityLet Brad Cook
    11 months ago

    Exaxtly…let Brad cook. Saying he failed by not making the move that you think he should have made is like eating a half cooked meal and then complaining that it doesn’t taste good or saying it isn’t going to be good when it’s done, with no actual reason to think it won’t be except the belief that you know more than the chef that is in the process of making it.