The game needs easy to play hitscan characters so that flying dps can exist without being nerfed to hell
The game needs easy to play hitscan characters so that flying dps can exist without being nerfed to hell
I mean, there are also the flying dps and supports and such that make his job hell.
I mean if the tank is being focused and he gets Anna nade, yeah he will die giga fast
Game is fine, but Widow/Hanzo need to be changed, With the loss of competitive (a good thing imo). I don’t think one-shots like them should exist in the game, its not fun for the person just getting randomly gibbed due to a random arrow, and the skill required to use widow is too high, where she is a troll pick till top 15% of players.
People are growing tired with games that want you to play JUST THEM AND NOTHING ELSE.
Very few live service games are able to compete, and the ones that are running are not doing good at the moment. Why, or WHY would you keep trying to push a trend that not many people want.
I don’t think anyone wants to be playing a game based on the Suicide squad vs the Justice league for the next 5+ years. Your just going to rotate and churn players till the game tanks.
Only reason to have a traditional HDD is if you need just raw storage for videos, ect.
I love it when you blame the matchmaking in game and people think that Quickplay doesn’t have MM, idiots.