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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023


  • Sounds like Dark Souls, but like a less likely version.

    Wasn’t Nightstalker simply the emobidment of night, darkness and fear FOR humans? Wouldn’t make sense if he created them and then we skip a few hundred years where everyone forgets that part and just sees him as evil again.

    In Souls it works, because we see a lot of the story leading up to things. I’ve not seen the show, but unless they specifically show some Nightstalker cult with ancient scriptures of Nightstalker spawning mankind from the darkness, then the answer’s probably no.

  • Love the new zelda(s) and I actually also kinda like the stamina. It’s a great way to open up the world by letting you climb places, but having to prep for longer climbs, learning to eyeball distances to glide etc.

    Only place where the stamina feels dreadful is when you’re running. That one I can agree with. With horses having to be somewhere near you so you can call them and running draining your stamina pretty instantly, it just makes normal movement a little annoying.

  • Guild Wars 2 has jumping in it and it works ok. But then they doubled down and tried to act like they’re a platformer now, with “jumping puzzles”.

    Where you have to guess if a hitbox you see is correct, if a spot you see is actually jumpable, if a slope you land on will actually support you or drop you…

    Then add in obstacles, forcibly being slowed upon taking damage, often just straight-up dying and having to start over if you fail a single jump, getting arbitrarily blocked by a ledge you should be able to jump on. I mean, fuck. I love tough platforming stuff in like Hollow Knight. Because that game is actually built for it. But in some games it’s just so badly tacked on.

  • I was fully convinced I haven’t had a single experience like described above, but yeah, Nier Automata does kinda fit the bill.

    But even there I was told in advance to “keep playing”, not spoiled, not really, but there obviously was no “woah, mind blown” effect when you just play slightly changed ng+. The mindbender came after that playthrough and the rest really doesn’t work as “this was just beginning”; you’re through a huge chunk of the playtime at that point.

  • The reason I prefer Rockband to Guitar Hero are a bunch of small things. The rectangles feel much more precise than gauging when a round sphere is “hit” perfectly. The UI looks a lot cleaner.

    And personally I also hate the stupid “empty” strum they make you do for hard mode. That’s why I could never play GH on hard. Meanwhile RB has a much more fluid difficulty progression and playing on hard feels much more fun.

    Also something like the starpower NOTES being the ones that are one color and upon activating starpower you’re still seeing all the normal note colors.

    People are also really loving Clone Hero, but I just can’t really get into that. The UI lacks a little of the spectacle, the calibration kinda sucks always, no matter which settings I use and most songs are made for ultrasweaty turbo tryhards.

  • Does the guy not have fucking any idea what the big Blizz game is?

    Of course people want MORE fucking content, when that new content is the only NEW thing in years and only lasts for 10 hours. If you want people to play the fucking game forever and then shit out 2 hours of content every few years, then people will complain.

    I mean I don’t play wow, but in GW2 it’s similar. When a new expansion is announced people are hyped and when the content is good they play, update builds, incorporate the stuff into their usual daily content. But the most recent expansion was a downscaling of immense degree, has really piddly content (“on purpose”), lacks all the cool shit of previous expansions and wants to dripfeed those aspects over a whole year. Of course people were mad about that shit and wanted an ACTUAL update with the new stuff they grew to love from previous expansions.

  • P4azzBtoGaming@level-up.zoneThe Simulations
    11 months ago

    Given I just (basically) finished a game that was super-heavy on the cognition and “what is reality, even” side of things, this hits that much harder.

    The thought of it all just being a simulation, which is really just an extension of what your brain makes you think is reality anyways, has always been kinda fascinating. Far-fetched, impossible to prove/disprove, but certainly interesting.