People are going to crucify McDermott for any loss. I’m not saying it’s not always deserved, but there is never a situation where people log on to reddit to say “he made the right choice and lost anyway”. Every single post is about assigning blame, as if football has no randomness to it when two good teams play each other.
Please don’t cut Bass. I just bought his jersey last week and it was expensive.
Every aspect of BUF fandom is pain.
Who turned on the sports radio speech-to-text mode?
I recognize this username. I’m surprised more people haven’t clocked you as a troll yet with how much of your day you wasted responding to every comment in your Diggs thread.
True captains forcibly prevent their brothers from voicing their opinions. It’s just what a good leader does.
This is my new favorite take. I live in Rochester, but it still applies perfectly.
Breaking: Josh Allen defends u/lurkersteve3115, saying “we need to make better hats for him”
I’m already way too emotionally invested in the Bills to become financially invested in them too.
What a disgusting act by Josh Allen.
Lots of things cost us this year. Bass isn’t the only person on the team making mistakes.