I still can’t believe that some fans were actually bought into this fraud. Dude has a pencil in his ear while carrying a laminated play sheet. It’s like wearing non prescription glasses to look smarter.
I still can’t believe that some fans were actually bought into this fraud. Dude has a pencil in his ear while carrying a laminated play sheet. It’s like wearing non prescription glasses to look smarter.
Someone (or multiple someones) need to get traded so they can get better roster fit going. I like pretty much all of the young guys on their own, but they don’t fit together.
We should move on from cokehead Tom, but unfortunately that’s not possible without a huge scandal.
Except you could actually see progress with the Lions, even while they were losing. This ain’t the same thing at all
Whichever one you want to. If you want to pick a single team and stick with them, cool. If you wanna jump from good team to good team, the only people who will care are losers who care way too much about sports. I would say just bounce around a few teams and maybe their subreddits (caution there cuz reddit fans can be weird) and find what suits you best.
Injuries are not an excuse for a 10 plus game losing streak. Stop making excuses, that’s loser shit.
I blame Gores. He’s been the common denominator since 2011.
I honestly felt this was the wrong hire before any games were played, simply because it was clearly Gores’ decision and not Troy’s. Imo you hire a GM to be the decision maker, and put your faith in them that they know what they’re doing. When you step in and override these big decisions then not only do you remove a significant part of the GM’s agency in the whole process, you also make it more difficult to evaluate the GM because it’s not their decisions that you’re evaluating.
In other words, for me, it’s less about whether Monty is the right or wrong coach and more about the fact that the Pistons have a meddling owner who can’t stay out of his own way.
I honestly don’t even remember this jersey. The only jersey my mind remembers with the horse logo is the teals. I’m definitely old enough to remember them too, I guess my brain just cornholed that memory lol
What part of my comment made you think that I was implying your post was blaming everything on Casey?
Same poeple blaming Casey for absolutely everything are now turning to blame Monty.
Not to say that either coach is undeserving of some criticism, but the constant implication that it’s all the coaching is damn exhausting.
Crazy how fast the general opinion here seems to have changed on him. One second he’s practically infallible and the next he seemingly can’t do anything right.
This sub can be fun, but man are a lot of you guys way too reactionary, even by sports fans standards, which is saying A LOT.
He could honestly stand to put on a bit of weight, I hope he has a side of fries or something with that.
While that’s certainly a fair point to make, I also think it’s fair for fans to expect more progress than what we have seen so far.
Side note, that upcoming Broncos game is starting to look like way less of a gimme than it did before.
I been sayin this kid is Worm 2.0
Thanks for being reasonable lol. I remember how after the Charlotte game this sub was clowning the Hornets fans for complaining about the refs. They were literally doing the exact same thing this sub does all the time lmao
I’m so jealous of people who can draw.
I’ll admit, I didn’t want anything to do with either of the Thompson twins because of their shooting concerns. I figured we have seen way too many guys come in who could be described as “if the jumper comes around they could be dangerous” and it never works out. I was wrong. This kid already seems dangerous even without the jumper.
Obviously he is gonna need the jumper to at least get to a point that defenders will respect him if he wants to be a top tier wing, but the kid has shown that at the very least he belongs.
I’m gonna keep saying it until it sticks: The Worm 2.0
Oh wow, thanks monty. so glad we fired a great guy for you.