After 2nd item it becomes almost impossible to get away from this champ if he ever hits you with a Q.
This level of stickiness should not be allowed, it’s just frustrating.

August:" Zed is frustating cause instead of just killing you when you get ulted he takes like 5 seconds before killing you, and people don’t like to have their time wasted and would rather get 1 shot".

If you people knew this, then wtf is k’sante? the moment you get hit by a single Q you are basically dead but it only takes 30 seconds of permaslows and knock backs and your character getting dragged around the map without your consent.

also why does a “Tank” do more damage than a juggernaut like Mundo?

  • _ogio_B
    10 months ago

    Why do you think riot knows what they are doing at this point?

  • XtendedImpactB
    10 months ago

    August: “Zed is frustating cause instead of just killing you when you get ulted he takes like 5 seconds before killing you, and people don’t like to have their time wasted and would rather get 1 shot”

    source? I only found this tweet in a similar vein (but actually with completely different reasoning).

  • max1mumB
    10 months ago

    if he ever hits you with a Q

    Lol, did you ever face an Olaf hitting Q once while he is chasing you?

  • PapaTahmB
    10 months ago

    Regarding K’sante damage 2 things

    His damage is problematic because it’s a combination of the worst design possible.

    He is a Warden Skirmisher.

    Wardens are champions which have High Damage early game (the highest in the entire game) but as a trade off have poor scaling.

    Skirmishers have one of the best scalings in the game, so they have high 1v1 damage output.

    See the problem?

    K’sante entire problem is that EVERY SINGLE issue that he has, is created on the basis that the weakness that he is supposed to have either as a Warden or as a Skirmisher, is nullified because of the strenght he has a Warden or as a Skirmisher.

    Wardens have one of the worst mobilities in the game and poor cs.

    Skirmishers have one fo the best mobilities in the game and good cs.

    Skirmishers offers low utility and have poor survavibility outside of being in duels.
    Wardens have high utility and high survavibility.

    Literally the only weakness left, is the Warden conditional CC, which in his case doesn’t matter, because he can enables his conditions in the wave.

    We joke a lot about how poor designed Zeri and Yuumi were, but K’sante probably is the worst desisgned champions ever, champion literally has no weakness on his kit, the weakness on his kit are literally required to be fabricated by nerfing him to the ground.

  • FudgeOld6122B
    10 months ago

    First of all, having a perma-slow on a champ like Gnar that has ranged AAs, courtesy of an Item called Frozen mallet, is very different to having a perma-slow by hitting multiple abilities in a row from melee range. With Gnar its just straight toxic because hes ranged, he gets speed up when attacking you and he gets tons of magic damage from his W while doing so. You LITERALLY cant get away, because you are slower, hes faster AND he deals tons of damage while doing so and if you hard-engage he becomes mega.

    Secondly, Ksante does not deal more damage than Mundo unless he ults, which causes him to lose a big chunk of his tankyness and not be a tank anymore but become a full-on bruiser, as which he is SUPPOSED to deal more damage than champs like Mundo.

    Thirdly, its a very big difference being delayed one-shot by Zed’s ult and being slowly drain-tanked by Ksante over 20 or 30 seconds. In Zed’s case he marks and combos you and then disappears, leaving you no chance to do anything to him while you wait for the burst to pop you. This is frustrating. In Ksantes case, he has to permanently stay in melee range to deal damage to you over extended periods of time, giving both you and your team a very fair chance to do something against it.

  • KewadaLolB
    10 months ago

    really ksante slow is ur problem?

    ASHE every auto slows on range and then u got the W aoe slow.

  • sirhennihauB
    10 months ago

    ksante is the newest edgeboy moneymaker champion designed to be popular of course he has to stronger than everyone else so his players with inferiority complexes feel good once in their miserable lifetime

  • Dahata13666B
    10 months ago

    Why do mages get to slow me for 30% with every ability cuz rylais.
    same with whatever picks that arrow thing.
    but I gotta build crit ashe to do the same.